Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crochet Cafe'

So the other day I made this social network thingy for people who like to crochet. On there you can post pictures, patterns, links to patterns, play music, upload videos and even design your own page. I can't seem to stay away from the computer now that I have made this site!!! If you love to crochet please feel free to look around and join!

View my page on Crochet Cafe'

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Here is a scarf I made for Dennis' daughter. Its made out of fun fur. I thinks its very cute. I plan on making a scarf for my daughter out of some cute yarn she picked and I am also making a Dale Jr. scarf for my son. He loves Dale Jr. Go 88! Lol.

Bear tote-a-long bed

Here is what The bear tote-a-long bassinet looks like. I am almost done with the bear. Just needs his two little legs, then I need to make his clothes...will post the pics when done.
Here are some pics of the bed though!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Elvis scarf

OK well I am going to go ahead and post something about crochet too lol.

Yesterday I designed a scarf for myself.

It will be an Elvis scarf...BUT OF COURSE! It will have Elvis written at both ends and in the middle it will have a silhouette of him dancing. I will either do it in pink and black or black and gold. I am not sure on the colors. As soon as I have the pattern completely put together I will post it on my blog for you all to see. Oh its going to be GREAT!!!!!!! I can't wait to make it and show it off to everyone then wear it for the whole world to see lol. I'm sorry peoples but I love ELVIS! LOL!!!!!

Ok Ok....I'll shut up now lol. But not until I leave you all with this.....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An unexpected trip...

So this morning Dennis' mom called me and asked me if me and Shyla wanted to go to Joplin with her....This caught me of guard because no one ever asks me I want to go anywhere with them. I definitely wasn't expecting Dennis' mom to ask me if I wanted to tag along with her to Joannes today lol. But I said sure.
I like her. Shes a very nice lady. We went to Joannes and she got some fabric to finish a quilt for a baby crib and bought Shyla a gorilla key chain, a monkey book and some stickers...Shyla loves monkeys lol.
Then we went to Hobby Lobby. I looked and looked for some yarn to finish my baby set and guess what they don't make pale green yarn no more!!!!! UGH!!!! Well I guess I will be looking on the Internet for some now because they no longer make it so Joplin stores and Wal-Mart no longer orders it. What bummer. I did pick up some really cute yarn to make some scarves for he girls though so it was a good day!

Well I will go for now because I have to get dinner made. Lehman has a school play tonight. He will be the letter W in the play Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

Crochet Pictures

Here is the Baby set I am currently workig on. Its a two tone set. It worked up pretty quickly and I am very pleased with it. Some lucky baby will be very snuggly in this cute little

Here is a close up of the booties. They are the first baby booties I have ever made and I absolutely love them.

Here is a picture of the top that goes with the two tone baby set. It is a very adorable baby top. This is the first baby shirt I have ever made. I hope to continue to make baby things and hopefully will start selling these on my etsy site soon.


Elliana with SpongeBob at the Zoo.

Shyla and Lehman with SpongeBob at the Zoo.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A few projects I am working on....

I have started a very cute baby set. Its green and white. Its the shirt, booties, bonnet and ghan. I was making it to sell as my first item on but Dennis' mom saw it and wants it for her daughter's baby. I ran out of the green yarn and none of the Wal-Marts around here sell it anymore so I may have to go to Joplin and see if Michaels has it. I really want to finish this set so I can give this to her as a complete set for her grand baby.

As for another project I have been working on Teddy tote-along bassinet. I was going to make the baby tote-along bassinet but again Wal-Mart did not have the colors I needed. My daughter was not very happy but she settled for the bear as long as I make all the bear clothes and the baby clothes (diaper included) for the bear. I am almost done with the bed. Its been a fun little project and I know she will love it. I plan on making one in a different color for Dennis' little girl also because Shyla says I have too. I already got the ribbon for it and decided to do it in blue since she likes blue. Shyla's in is pink.

I will post pictures of the baby set and of the bear bed tomorrow. I am also going to post pictures of the kids with SpongeBob...they are too cute!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I have been tagged

I have been tagged by Myissa. Check out her blog MyissaG's Crochet
Here are the details:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my 7 random facts:
1. I am 24 yrs old and I'm a huge Elvis fan!!!
2. I got married at 16 and haven't seen my husband in 5 yrs....I just filed for divorce...oops!
3. I sleep on my couch every night!
4. I have more crocheted items around my house than I know what to do with lol.
5. I home school my preschooler.
6. I actually like watching the cartoon Charlie and Lola, lol.
7. At one time I had 7 body piercings and red streaks in my hair!!!

People I am tagging:

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The etsy page I have here on my blog is just some of the things I have been looking at for inspiration...They are not anything I have made.
I just thought I should point that out to anyone who thought maybe I ad made all those items....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My movie

I made this today. It took me all day to make lol. I took some of my fave. pics and made it. It turned out so good. I love it!!! I plan on making plenty more!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

A stash of books....

Yesterday while cleaning Dennis came across a box full of Crochet booklets. Alot from Annie's Attic. They are pretty old but have some very pretty patterns in them.

As of right now I am working on a baby set. I want to start an page and start selling some things and this will be the first to go, shirt, bonnett, booties and ghan. It is a two tone set and is soo cute....When I get the page set up I will post it on my blog for everyone to check out.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cowgirl Hat

I made this hat for my daughter out of the Stitch-N-B**** Crochet book. She just had to have it and wanted it in bright pink lol. Its a little too big but she loves it anyways. She wanted to pose for the picture...isn't she a doll???

College Scarf

I made this over the winter for my longtime friend (whom I have never met). We have been chatting over e-mail and talking on the phone for several years and have become best friends. Shes in college in Louisiana and asked me to make her a scarf in her school colors so here it is....

Little handbag

Here is a little handbag that my sister made for daughter Shyla over the summer. She just loves it. Especially the little dragonfly button she put on it. I also think its very adorable.

Eight pocket tote bag

I made this tote out of some yarn I had in my stash that I really needed to get rid of. Its pretty wild on one side I know but hey I like it and it works. I got the pattern from and it took just a few days to make. I still need to get something stiff to put in the bottom of mine and I still need to put the front pockets on it in order for it to be an Eight pocket tote because as of now it only has two pockets, maybe a future project...

Butterfly Dress

I made this dress for Elliana's 4th birthday and it was very easy to make. Its is such a cute little dress.

I got the pattern out of Crochet! The July 2008 issue. The Dress was designed by Kim Rutledge for Caron International.

It took me an average of 2 days to make the dress. That's taking A LOT of breaks lol. I made it to fit a child's size 4-5 toddler and used the same colors that were given . It is very easy and worth every stitch to make....

Here is a close up of one of the butterflies and some of the stitches. At first I was very confused by the butterflies but after I made one and looked at the instructions again I had to laugh at myself because of how simple these cute little things are to make. They take just a few minutes of your time and one fold and they are done, I thought I had made a flower and had messed the whole thing up!!!! HA! But I hadn't and I am very pleased with this dress. It is my first piece of clothing and I hope to make more...


Today I bought a new digital camera....finally. I have my own camera so that I can take pictures of my WIPs and my children and whatever else I want to. LOL.
Its a pink KODAK EasyShare C713. Its a cute camera and it was under $100. Well worth the price so far. I used to won a camera just like it but it was silver and I loved it so I am sure I will love this one also.
I have already taken a few pictures of my daughter and a picture of the dress I made for Dennis' daughter which I will post today along with a few other projects I have never gotten posted.....
Off to play with my new camera!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Here is the scarf I made last winter. Its my own design.

Butterfly ghan

Here is the last picture of the butterfly ghan I was able to get. I may be able to get a finished one but I am not sure. This gahn turned out too cute.

Mator is finally here!!!

Here is the Tow Mator ghan I made for a little boys first birthday.

I love the way it turned out especially the way I did his name. Its Broadway font I used off the computer and just graphed it right onto the pattern, I absolutely love it!!!!

It took me forever to get the picture because I gave the ghan away before I ever got the chance to get the picture and it was long over due but it was definitely worth the wait and I loved seeing it again when I opened my e-mail last night, I just hope everyone else enjoys looking at it as well!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. John Benfield

Well I will be getting a picture of the Mator afghan I made posted soon so Be looking for it!!!!!

I haven't been crocheting lately but I did make a very pretty little dress and I will post a pic of that also.....

Monday, May 5, 2008

I finished it!!!!

Well I finished the butterfly ghan. I wasn't able to get a picture before it was given away. I have started on the Mater ghan and it is coming along nicely!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Elvis ghan

I have decided to change the Elvis ghan. I frogged the whole thing!!!!!!.
I am going to restart it in pink and black. I noticed that the blue was making the black look brown and I hated it.

Butterfly afghan

OK well first off I would just like to say that my kids came home last month....I am so happy they are back.

Here is a pic of my blanket. I should be done by the end of the week then I can get started on my Tow Mater ghan!!!!!

If anyone wants the butterfly pattern leave your e-mail.....thanks!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Here is what I have been able to get done....

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Here is a tote I made myself because I thought it would be challenging, guess what it wasn't lol.

Care Bear afghans

Here are the afghans I made for my daughter and for Brads daughter. The Love-A-Lot one is for Katie. The Bedtime one is Shyla's. I made matching bears for both girls but only have a pic of Shyla's. They turned out so cute!!!!

Update on transformers

OK So I finally got the color on the blanket for my sons ghan. I hope he likes this when I get it done, if I ever get the chance to start on it lol.

Another update

Here is more progress on the butterfly afghan...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I decided to make this for my 4 yr old daughter. It is my first knitting project ever and I love it!!!!!


This is what I have so far on the butterfly.....

Monday, February 18, 2008


This is the pattern I have made for my sons ghan I will be making him for his 6th b-day. He loves Transformers as does my fiance lol. I have decided to go with bumblebee as a car because he is one of my sons favorites, and to also use the logos in the corners, both the Decepticon and Autobot symbols. I can't wait to get started on this one as it will be alot of fun and I know my little guy will love this!!!!!!!

Elvis ghan

Here is the Afghan I have decided to make for myself. I have always been a huge Elvis fan and when I cam across this pattern I fell in love all over again lol. I went with an electric blue and black but after I had this much done I wish I would have chosen pink and black because I really like pink. Its turning out very well though.
I am half way done but stopped to work on 3 other ghans. I am making the butterfly for my finaces niece, then I am making a Transformers one I designed myself for my son's 6th b-day, then I have a Tow Mater one to make for my fiances nephew's 1 yr b-day.
I am very busy these days but at least I am not bored lol. I will be making even more ghans this summer. I will keep everyone posted on my progress and as well updates on new projects. I will be posting an updated photo of my butterfly ghan tonight!!!!
Don't forget to leave a comment!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


This is the project I am currently working on. I am making it for my bf's niece. Her whole room is done is butterfly's and I thought this would make a nice addition.